The department was created on 05/10/2021 by splitting the Department of Management, Business and Tourism.
Upon completion of training in the direction of "Tourism", students acquire such professional competencies in the field of tourism activities, such as design, production and technology, organizational and management, service and research, which gives them the opportunity to continue to work professionally in various areas of the tourism industry. The main directions of scientific research of the department: organizational and technological problems of service and tourism; hotel and restaurant business; sustainable tourism and the competitiveness of the destination; creation, advertising and promotion of competitive tourism products and the brand of Armenia in the international tourism market; development of tourist infrastructures; insurance activities, etc.
The department develops cooperation with leading tourism organizations, with hotel and restaurant organizations and other organizations of the tourism industry, in which students undergo educational, industrial and pre-diploma practice, acquiring practical skills. For the same purpose, the development of practical skills in students with the simultaneous development of creative potential and awareness of the social significance of the future profession, additional activities are also organized during the period of study, such as the organization of tours of various orientations and the organization of events aimed at the preservation of cultural and historical monuments and sustainable development tourism.
Scientific activity of the department
Brief information (biography)
2005-2009 – Russian-Armenian University (Bachelor’s degree)
Faculty of Economics
2009-2011 - Russian-Armenian University (Master’s degree)
Faculty of World Economy
2011-2015 - Russian-Armenian University (Postgraduate, applicant)
International Economics
Marketing Manager
2012-2016 – Russian-Armenian University
Chair of Economics and Finance
Laboratory assistant
2013-2014 – Russian-Armenian University
Chair of Economic theory and problems of the economy in transition
Assistant of the Chair
2014-2017 – Russian-Armenian University
Chair of Economic theory and problems of the economy in transition
2014-2017 – Russian-Armenian University
Chair of Economic theory and problems of the economy in transition
2017-2020 – Russian-Armenian University
Scientific and educational about the center for global development and megaeconomics
Senior Lecturer
Since 2020 - Russian-Armenian University
Chair of Economics and Finance
Associate Professor
Director and founder