
Siuzanna Mirzoian

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


General Information (Education, Brief Biography)
In 2001, graduated with honors from Stavropol State University, Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages, receiving the qualification of linguist, teacher, and computer science instructor in the specialty "Informatics. Linguistics and Intercultural Communication."
In 2005, was appointed Senior Lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages for Humanitarian Specialties.
On June 24, 2005, was awarded a PhD in History by the Dissertation Council of Pyatigorsk State Technological University, which was approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
In 2006, was appointed Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at Stavropol State University, and in 2012, was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the same department.
In 2015, graduated with distinction from the University of Surrey (UK) and obtained a Master’s degree in Tourism Management.
In 2017, completed a certification program with distinction from The Hague Hospitality School (The Netherlands) in “F&B Management – Advanced.”
Has over 23 years of teaching and research experience in higher education institutions.
Since 2017, has been a WorldSkills standards expert in the "Tourism" competence. In 2020, received a certificate authorizing participation in the evaluation of the WorldSkills demonstration exam, as well as organizing championships according to WorldSkills standards.
Over the past three years, actively participated in scientific research, including the Erasmus+ CBHE project and the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module "Destination Management – Learning from European Experts."
Since 2018, has been an expert on the Tourism Council at the Committee for Economic Development and Trade of the Stavropol City Administration.
Since 2021, has been leading projects within the framework of expert and analytical activities at the North Caucasus Federal University and serving as an expert for the Government of the Stavropol Territory and a member of the Expert Club.
In 2022, joined the expert working group "Urban Economy and Creative Industries" of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, which oversees the evaluation of projects and initiatives.
Professional Development Courses
  • Program "Trends in the Development of Tourism Worldwide and Their Impact on the Socio-Economic Sphere," Stavropol, 2017.
  • Program "Practice-Oriented Technologies in Tourism and the Hospitality Industry," Stavropol, 2017.
  • Program "Tourism Destination Management: European Experience," Lucerne-Stavropol, 2017.
  • Certificate "Start-up and Business Development in Tourism Based on the Canvas Business Model," Lucerne-Stavropol, 2018.
  • Program "Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education," NCFU, Stavropol, 2018.
  • Program "Modern Educator for Distance Learning," Yurait Academy, 2020.
  • Program "Intellectual Property in the 21st Century," VolgSTU, Volgograd, 2020.
  • Program "Event Tourism: A Tool for Promoting Territories," RGUTIS, 2021.
  • Program "Cross-Cultural Management," Baltic Federal University, 2022

Publication Activity
Author of more than 85 publications, including 6 teaching and methodological works, 70 scientific papers, 2 monographs, and a book titled "Structural and Semantic Analysis of Doublet Forms in English and Russian," published in Germany.

Scientific interests

  • Main trends in successful management
  • Destination management
  • The role of DMO in destination management
  • The function of stakeholders in tourism
  • Strategic management in tourism

List of publications

  • On the necessity of sustainable consumption in tourism – published in the International Scientific Journal Bulletin of the Hospitality Industry, St. Petersburg: SPbGEU, 2022.
  • The effectiveness of certification as a tool for sustainable tourism development – published in the collection of articles Strategies and Modern Trends in the Development of Tourist and Hospitality Enterprises, Moscow: RNI RGUTiS, 2022.
  • Evaluation of Slovenia's image as a tourist destination – published in the journal Competitiveness in the Global World: Economics, Science, Technology, 2022, No. 4 (2).
  • Mountain tourism in the North Caucasus in the context of modern trends: The concept of glamping in the North Caucasus – published in the collection of articles from the XIV International Student Scientific and Practical Conference Shaping the Future: Setting New Rules, Moscow: RANEPA, 2021.
  • Virtual tourism: Tourism of the future – published in the collection of articles from the XIV International Student Scientific and Practical Conference Shaping the Future: Setting New Rules, Moscow: RANEPA, 2021
  • The impact of the tourism industry on the country's economy – published in the collection of articles from the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference Economy of Enterprises, Regions, and Countries: Current Issues and Modern Aspects, Penza: Science and Enlightenment, 2021.
  • Problems in the development of the hospitality industry in Russia – published in the collection of materials from the IX Scientific and Practical Conference Demographic Processes, Sustainable Tourism Development, and Problems of Geographical Education, Stavropol: Nadyrshin Publishing, 2021.
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global hospitality industry – published in the collection of materials from the IX Scientific and Practical Conference Demographic Processes, Sustainable Tourism Development, and Problems of Geographical Education, Stavropol: Nadyrshin Publishing, 2021.
  • Developing effective interaction with local communities as a factor in sustainable destination development – published in the collection of materials from the IX Scientific and Practical Conference Demographic Processes, Sustainable Tourism Development, and Problems of Geographical Education, Stavropol: Nadyrshin Publishing, 2021.
  • Equestrian tours as a type of active tourism in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic – published in the collection of materials from the IX Scientific and Practical Conference Demographic Processes, Sustainable Tourism Development, and Problems of Geographical Education, Stavropol: Nadyrshin Publishing, 2021.
  • Event tourism as a tool for shaping the image of a territory – published in the collection of materials from the IX Scientific and Practical Conference Demographic Processes, Sustainable Tourism Development, and Problems of Geographical Education, Stavropol: Nadyrshin Publishing, 2021.
  • Problems in the development of the hospitality sector in Russia – published in the collection of materials from the IX Scientific and Practical Conference Demographic Processes, Sustainable Tourism Development, and Problems of Geographical Education, Stavropol: Nadyrshin Publishing, 2021.
  • The development of the event and post-event tourism services market – published in the collection of articles from the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference Modern Problems of Tourism and Hospitality, Moscow: RGUTiS, 2021.
  • The current state of the tourism industry in Russia – published in the collection of articles from the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference Modern Problems of Tourism and Hospitality, Moscow: RGUTiS, 2021.
  • Event tourism: Best practices – published in the collection of materials from the VIII (65th) Annual Scientific and Practical Conference Current Issues in Earth Sciences, Stavropol: NCFU, 2021.

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