Department of mathematical methods and information technologies in economics and business

About department


The department was founded on 01/07/2020 by the order of the rector No. 01-07/772 on the basis of the decree of the Academic Council of the Russian-Armenian University No. 377 dated 06.05.2020.

The main goal of the department is to promote the education of highly qualified economists who are proficient in the tools for using mathematical tools and methods, as well as the corresponding software solutions and applications.

The department teaches the following disciplines:

• Mathematical modeling (Econometrics, Operational research, Socio-economic statistics, etc.);
• Information technology (Computer science, Digital literacy, Management information systems, Programming in R, Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence etc.);
• Higher mathematics (Mathematical analysis, Linear algebra, Probability theory and mathematical statistics, etc.);

"Տնտեսամաթեմատիկական մեթոդներ և մոդելներ" 
"Տնտեսամաթեմատիկական մտաօելակերպ. տնտեսամաթեմատիկական խնդիրների լուօման արդյունավետ մեթոդ"


Bachelor's degree programs in the following specialties:
Actuarial and financial mathematics (Armenian sector)

Master's degree programs in the following specialties:
Artificial Intelligence in Economics 



Ashot Tavadyan

D.Sc., Professor


Brief information (biography)
Ashot Tavadyan is member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the International Information Academy of Canada. 
Ashot Tavadyan has a background in economics and received a degree from Yerevan State University in 1975 with honors. He also hold a PhD in economics from the Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow. He has worked as an assistant and associate professor at Yerevan Institute of National Economy, and as a visiting PhD candidate at the Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Ashot Tavadyan also held positions as a professor at Yerevan Institute of National Economy, a chief adviser at Armimpex Bank, chairman of the Republic Expert Commission on Economics, Chairman of the Control Chamber of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, and Director of the Center for Economic Research. He was a professor and department head at the Armenian State University of Economics from 2007 to 2022.

Intervals of Uncertainty of Economy

A.A. Tavadyan developed interval methods for researching economic indicators under uncertainty. He formulated the relationship between uncertainties and the minimum interval of uncertainty, the expanding uncertainty band effect, and the sensitivity thresholds of economic indicators. He presented the principles of systematizing and predicting economic indicators. The author's developed concept of studying economic processes is presented in the following books: "Systemology of Economic Categories" (M.Nauka), "Intervals of Economic Uncertainty" (M.Nauka), "Uncertainty Bands and Economic Variability" (M. Flinta), and "Uncertainty Bands: A Guide to Predicting and Regulating Economic Processes" (London, Anthem Press).

Integration studies
The integration research under the leadership of A.A. Tavadyan was carried out in 2013 in Armenia. The study focused on the economic effects of Armenia in the Eurasian Economic Union and other integration processes. The migration and transfer flows, dynamic and structure of GDP, and trade volume under different scenarios of integration processes in Armenia were estimated through economic-mathematical methods. The results of the research were published in a report in English and Russian about the integration directions of Armenia. A.A. Tavadyan presented the results of the work at the meeting of the Interparliamentary Commission for Cooperation between the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the EABR International Conference "Deepening and Expanding Eurasian Integration," the Eurasian Economic League portal and other portals.

Scientific interests

  • Evaluation of uncertainty of economic indicators
  • Systematization and evaluation of macroeconomic regulations
  • Modeling of economic processes
  • Integration scenarios and their assessment
  • Approaches to forecasting integration processes
  • Evaluation and regulation of macroeconomic indicators in crisis conditions

List of publications

  • A.Tavadyan. Uncertainty Bands, A Guide to regulating and predicting economic processes//Anthem Press, 2022
  • А.Тавадян, Аг. Тавадян. Свет и тени Евразийской интеграции//Мир Перемен, Институт экономики РАН, N3, 2021
  • Թավադյան Ա.Ա, ընդհանուր խմբագրությամբ. Տնտեսամաթեմատիկական մեթոդներ և մոդելներ// Տնտեսագետ, 2021
  • Главный редактор А. Тавадян. Евразийская интеграция: идеи, задачи, процесс и перспективы//Москва-Ереван 2020
  • А. Тавадян. Перспективы экономики Армении в экономическом поясе Шелкового пути// 21-й век, N4, 2017
  • А. Тавадян. Резервы денежно-кредитной политики стран ЕАЭС//Проблемы современной экономики, Москва, N3, 2017
  • А. Тавадян. Интервальные прогнозы и системная экономическая политика// Мир перемен, Институт экономики Российской академии наук, 2015, 111-115
  • A.Tavadyan head of writing team. Armenia and the Customs Union: Impact of Accession // Eurasian Development Bank, 2013
  • А. Тавадян. Интервалы неопределенности экономики // Москва, Наука, 2012

File information


Ashot Tavadyan

D.Sc., Professor

Aghasi Tavadyan

Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor

Oxana Bleikher

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Vahram Nalchajyan

Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor

Karen Sahakyan

Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Ani Avetisyan

Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor

Tatevik Hakobyan

Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor

Lilit Shahbazyan

Senior Lecturer

Anush Igitkhanyan

Senior Lecturer

Ashot Kotikyan


Ashot Balayan


Abazyan Maria


Anahit Grigoryan

Senior manager
