
Martirosyan Artyom



I graduated from the Armenian-Russian Slavonic University, the Department of Tourism in 2011. I am a lecturer of “The Adventurous Torism” subject in the same university.

I am the founder of ArmLand. Since 2014, the club has been active in mountaineering both in Armenia and abroad. In addition to being the head of the club, I am also the mountain guide of the club. I have 5000+ logged climbs like Ararat, Elbrus and Kazbegi, Damavand, Kilimanjaro. This site represents everything that makes up my daily life. I believe that every person should seek new adventures, get out of their usual and everyday environment, break the molds in which they inadvertently find themselves, and discover their true identity. I have done it and do it by traveling.

Scientific interests

  • Sociocultural aspects of adventure tourism
  • Cultural exchange and intercultural interaction in adventure tourism

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