Specialized Council 008 of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Republic of Armenia on Economic Sciences at the Russian-Armenian University was established in 2014.
The Council has the right to organize defense for the degree of Doctor of Sciences and Doctor of Economics in the specialties: 08.00.02 – «Economics, Management of the Economy and its Spheres», 08.00.03 – «Finance, Accounting», 08.00.06 – «International Economic Relations». The Council is the only one in the Republic of Armenia that has the right to admit dissertations for scientific degrees of Doctor of Sciences and Doctor of Economics in the specialty 08.00.06 – «International Economic Relations».
From the moment of its creation to present, leading economists-scientists of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation have been involved in the work of the Council. 4 corresponding members of the Academies of Sciences of the RA and the RF take part in the work of the Council. The heads and leading researchers of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation take part in the activities of the 008 Specialized Council on Economic Sciences, which puts the scientific works defended in the Council on a completely new qualitative level. The Chair of the Council carries out constant consistent work to replenish the Council with highly qualified specialists in the field of economic sciences from the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation.
Over the entire period of the Council's functioning, 3 theses were defended for the degree of Doctor of Sciences and 58 theses for the degree of Doctor of Economics.

Galoyan Diana


Bagratyan Ararat


Shahbazyan Luiza
